Our Contact Details!
- Al Hathboor Real Estate
Branch of Al Hathboor Group L.L.C.
P.O. Box : 358, Airport Road.
Dubai - United Arab Emirates.
Phone : +9714 2828289
Fax : +9714 2828666
Email :realestate@alhathboor.com -
Real Estate Incharge
Saif M.A. Murad
Mob : 050 1616155
Office phone : +9714 2828289
Fax : +9714 2828666 -
Lease Assistant
Mahmud Faried
Mob : 050 2488899
Phone : +9714 2828289
Fax : +9714 2828666 -
Legal Advisor
Eltaib Mohamed
Mob : 052 5277551
Office phone : +9714 2828289
Fax : +9714 2828666 -
Maintenance Department
Mob : 054 4794422
Office phone : +9714 2828289
Fax : +9714 2828666 -
Accounts Department
Mob : 050 7257808
Office phone : +9714 2828289
Fax : +9714 2828666
Office Timings
Sat-Wed: 08:30 to 13:00 and 14:00 to 18:00
Thursday: 8:30 to 14:00